Identity theft is a serious crime and it can lead to individuals being devastated as a result. Several persons have committed suicide because their identity was stolen. Plans, relationships, and dreams can be destroyed because of identity theft. This has cause the government to take steps to address the rising problem of identity theft.
It seems however, that these cyber thieves are very talented, and the are very difficult to catch. This is why it is up to the individual to take the necessary steps to protect themselves against identity theft. Here are some tips to protect yourself against identity theft.
Your social security card should be kept in an safe place, and not in your wallet. This card contain a very important piece of information, the nine digit social security number or {snn} which identifies a person and it also can unlock bank and credit card information.
Any mail or paper that contain important information such as your bank account number or your credit card number should be shredded, as opposed to simply throwing them into the garbage can. Identity thieves have been know to go through garbage bins to retrieve the said information.
Be careful before you click. Identity thieves have been know to copy websites and use them to steal information. The identity thief or scam artist can copy the website of a bank. If a client of the said bank, absentmindedly logs into the online banking site, the will and can be ask for sensitive information. This website could say that the are updating the clients information, and the gullible client may simply fill out the form and give them the information.
Before sending vital information on the internet, an individual should first check the URL or universal resource locator of the website so as to determine if the website is authentic. For example the authentic website for yahoo is and the fake website would be If you notice there is a one letter difference. This does not mean that the https Indicate a phony website. In fact, the additional is desirable for the entering of personal information. The letter s along with the symbol of a lock at the bottom of the screen indicates that the website is secure.
Finally, always check the details of your bank account statement or the credit card bill. Some people put off opening the envelope because the do not want to see how much the have to pay before the due date. This can cause massive damage because these people do not immediately know if there have been unauthorized use of their credit card.
Daniel D Junior is a freelance writer and the moderator of the website Identity theft prevention tips
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